Module versions

What version of a module can I run on a given version of Data Server?

The table shows which module versions can be used on a specific version of Data Server.

Data Server version Broadcast version Communicator version Heavy Rotation version Easy Spot version
3.007 4.008 3.007 4.004 4.006
4.008 4.105 3.016 5.001 4.101
4.009 4.106 3.017 5.002 4.102
4.011 4.106 3.017 5.003 4.102
4.014 4.110 3.019 5.004 4.104
4.016 4.112 3.019 5.004 4.104
5.222 5.209 5.204 5.209 5.202
5.3xx 5.301-5.305 5.301 5.301 5.3xx
5.401 5.306 5.302 5.302 5.401
5.402 5.307-5.311 5.303-5.304 5.303-5.304 5.402-5.403
5.403 5.312 5.304 5.304 5.404
5.404 5.312 5.304 5.304 5.404
5.405 5.404 5.305 5.305 5.408


If your present setup is Data Server v.3.007 and your Broadcast is v.4.008 and your Communicator is v.3.007. You should update Data Server, Broadcast, Communicator, Heavy Roitation and Easy spot to the latest versions.