John G. Pedersen, Radio 3, Denmark
I have seen a lot of booking programs in my 13 years in the business and I must say that Easy Spot is the best I have ever seen. Easy Spot is easy to use for first time users and it will meet the needs required in even the most advanced bookings. After a testing Easy Spot in a few days, we decided to convert the data from our old system to Easy Spot. The old system had a lot of advanced features but Easy Spot is far superior in the areas of flexibility, ease of use and data security.
One of the top most advantages is to have Easy Spot take two product codes and a speaker into account – NOT just between the blocks but inside the commercial block or stop set. The majority of the other programs I have seen will only allow a single product code and a speaker in each block. With this feature you can make a block like this: Auto dealer – Kitchen equipment – Restaurant – Auto dealer. Equivalent product codes will be placed as far from each other as possible and you can setup the minimum distance allowed. The restrictions you have made in the setup can easily be overruled and our booking is not controled by the application programmers. The integration to the other modules in the Radiohost system makes it possible to use the spots as soon as they are booked and you can make a last minute booking before going on air."
John G. Pedersen, program director, Radio 3, Denmark